Featured Success Stories

Sher Ali: From 235 to 115 Kilograms

Losing 120 Kilogram Over a Year

My name is Sher Ali.

I weighed 235 kilograms a year ago.

Due to my obesity, I faced lots of problems such as:

– type 2 diabetes
– joint pains
– difficulty in breathing
– difficulty in walking
– social anxiety
– depression

Due to my weight and over all condition, I used to avoid social gatherings. 

One day, I was surfing through social media and I came across a post of International Metabolic and Bariatric Center located in Afridi Medical Complex, Peshawar.

Picture: Sher Ali Before Bariatric Surgery - Featured Success Story

I came to know that it was led by Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad Orakzai – an Advance Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgeon. I visited his clinic and discussed my situation with him in detail.

He briefed me about the benefits of the procedure and how it could help me with my situation. Further more, he thoroughly briefed me about the procedure and guided me through the whole process to my satisfaction.

Picture: Sher Ali After Bariatric Surgery - Featured Success Story by IMBC

Alhamdulilah, my surgery was a huge success! 

After the surgery, my weight decreased to 115 kilograms.

Now, I can walk for miles, offer prayers properly, and sleep soundly at night. 

I lost 120 kilograms over a time span of one year after my surgery. 

It has been a wonderful exprience!

Pre and Post Surgery Transformations

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Before & After Picture: Mr. Hayat Khan - Bariatric Surgery Success Story by IMBC
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